5 important characteristics to identify an export Panama Hat

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They are appreciated for their quality and craftsmanship. Here are five qualities that are important when considering a toquilla straw hat for export:

Toquilla Straw Material Fine and Flexible Fibers: A quality hat is woven with fine and flexible toquilla straw fibers, which allows for greater flexibility and resistance. The ability to weave thin fibers contributes to the lightness and comfort of the hat.

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Weaving and Braiding: Skill in braiding fibers is essential for quality. Panamanian export hats often have fine, uniform braiding, which requires craftsmanship.

Fabric Density: A high-quality hat has a dense fabric that provides durability and better protection from the sun. The fabric should be compact enough to prevent the sun’s rays from passing through the hat.

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Finish and Details Well Finished Brim: The brim of the hat should be well finished and have a uniform design. Attention to detail in the finish, such as finishing and stitching, indicates careful manufacturing.

Flexibility and Resilience without Deformation: An export toquilla straw hat should be flexible, but return to its original shape after being handled. Resilience is key to durability over time.

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In addition to these specific qualities, authenticity and provenance are important aspects when considering a toquilla straw hat for export. Authentic Panamanian hats come from Ecuador, where the tradition of weaving these hats is especially recognized.

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